[2nd Expo Review] Global media map out common ground
Prominent media representatives from around the world got together in Dunhuang, Gansu province during the Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo that opened on Sept 20, 2017.
They have emphasized the vital role of journalism in fostering connectivity and understanding between China and the international community, particularly involved in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Stephen Rae, then group editor-in-chief of INM newspaper publishers, said that new media communication methods have taken the initiative and controlled the channels for disseminating news and entertainment content to the audience. In the future, the media will further transform to the mobile terminal. We must seize the trend of these new technologies and meet this important challenge.
Olusegun Adeniyi, chair of the editorial board of Nigerian national newspaper This Day, said that we must seek more open and cooperative ways to ensure inclusive development. At the same time, when implementing the BRI, we must also pay attention to the openness in this process, which requires the media to play an important role.
Masood Malik, then managing director of Associated Press of Pakistan, said that the Internet has turned the world into a global village, and the distance between continents and countries has been greatly shortened. This forum will undoubtedly play an important role in enhancing understanding and cooperation between media.
Guy Zitter, former managing director of Daily Mail & General Trust's Mail Newspapers, expressed strong support for the initiative, stating, The BRI provides an excellent opportunity to overcome obstacles posed by small, self-centered interest groups.
Jose Vera, then president of Agencia EFE, a major multimedia news agency based in Spain, highlighted the critical responsibility of the media in fostering intellectual and cultural exchange. The media must embrace the mission of promoting thought and knowledge exchange, and journalists should demonstrate greater responsibility and professionalism.